30 Day Network Marketing Challenge. Day 1

What is the 30 Day Network Marketing Challenge?

Edited Transcript:

Welcome to the 30-day network marketing challenge. The goal of this  challenge will help you generate 30 leads in the next 30 days in your network marketing business.

The reason I started  this challenge because many network marketers and home-based business owners have difficulty generating leads on a consistent basis.

Also they hey have a difficult time being consistent over a long period of time doing the work that’s required to grow their businesses.

With the 30-day network marketing challenge,my goal is to give you a DAP, Daily Action Plan.

In the daily action plan, I will outline for you specifically what you should be doing on a daily basis to help you generate leads for your opportunity, your product, or service.

The 30 Day Network Marketing Challenge is a pretty simple challenge that I hope will help you to take action daily to build your Direct Sales and Network Marketing business.

What we will focus on is a combination of active and passive marketing techniques.

Active Marketing techniques is when you  go out and reach out prospects. When you engage and contact potential business partners or customers first. You will have to speak to people on a daily basis; online and offline.That is what I mean by active marketing.

In the challenge, we’ll start on Facebook and I’ll show you how to find your ideal prospects and how to engage with them on Facebook.

Then I’ll show you strategies you can use offline,  in the real world. I’ll also share with you a strategy that I personally use that  bringing my offline prospects into my online world which helps to better convert them over to your business, or your product, or your service, because you now have an opportunity to build a relationship with them.

Passive Marketing techniques are basically attraction marketing techniques. It’s a dream and goal of every network marketer to wake up in the morning and you have an inbox is full of prospects wanting to work with you.

That can happens through a passive marketing methods. Passive marketing techniques include blogging, creating daily videos,  posting pictures, and  posting on social media; Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Social media posting to engage with people and have them reach out to you.

The difference between active and passive marketing is, with active marketing, you’re reaching out to your prospects. Passive marketing is your prospects are reaching out to you.

The  strategies I’ll be sharing with you during this challenge will fall into those two categories. .

The challenge will be broken up into 3 areas:

  • 70% Active marketing
  • 30% Passive marketing
  • 10% Personal development

You will receive specific task in these three areas.

The personal development 10% is a tremendously important part of the process. Having the right mindset, having the right beliefs, and having the right tools mentally to go out and build your business is tremendously important.

At the beginning of the 30 Day Network Marketing Challenge, we’re going to work on one area at a time. Then we’ll slowly work into where you’ll get a task of each category, where you will be doing both active and passive marketing.  You will also be working on the developing the right mindset for success in your Network Marketing Business.

Take part in this challenge, be engaged in the challenge, and watch the changes that it brings in your business.

Another goal of this challenge is to  make the process duplicate, so you can share it with your team.

If you go through the challenge with your team you’re more lightly to have success. So invite your downline, or your partners to take part of the challenge, and follow the same steps together.

Join the 30 Day Network Marketing Challenge community on Facebook to get your questions answered and network with like-minded home business owners.

I’m looking forward to helping you during this challenge.

Leave a Comment:

Mark Nelson says January 18, 2016

Great idea Colin. You are a STUD!

Claudia Peevy says January 18, 2016

I like the idea of a challenge. Keeps people engaged and coming back

Ron Deering says January 18, 2016

Great Idea Colin…. thanks for sharing this

Vivette says January 18, 2016

Great post Colin. Challenges are a great way to push yourself to succeed. ..

Thanks for sharing!

Sherri Brown says January 18, 2016

Excellent idea and way to help get people going! Thanks for sharing.

    Colin Yearwood says January 19, 2016

    Thanks exactly what I want to accomplish with this series.

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